Florent BlotKotlin Flow: Best PracticesSince few months, @Geev, we used Kotlin Flow inside our Android application. It is a really beautiful library to use, it helps us to write…Aug 3, 20223Aug 3, 20223
Florent BlotRedundant DTO-Domain Mapping in Kotlin FlowWithin a flow, we use map to convert a DTO to a Domain object. We could create a custom operator and map DTO to Domain with it in one line.Jul 3, 20229Jul 3, 20229
Florent BlotKotlin Flow in Clean Architecture and MVVM Pattern with AndroidThe first goal when developing an Android application is to have a code easy to test and painless to maintain. We must use an architecture…Jun 3, 20226Jun 3, 20226
Florent BlotReduce verbosity in Kotlin FlowReducing verbosity has many advantages. With the next few tricks, we can improve the readability of our flows, making the code even…May 3, 2022May 3, 2022
Florent BlotinLevel Up CodingUnit Test with Kotlin FlowWhen we develop a feature, we need to write unit tests for each section of the functionality. It is a huge and necessary part of the…Apr 3, 20221Apr 3, 20221
Florent BlotHandle exceptions in callbackFlow with KotlinIn our android app @Geev, we tried Kotlin Flow to handle Websockets calls for our new instant messaging. We mostly used callbackFlow…Mar 3, 20221Mar 3, 20221
Florent BlotWebsockets states with Kotlin StateFlowFollowing our journey with Kotlin Flow on Android @Geev, we tried to share the Websockets states all over the app.Feb 3, 20222Feb 3, 20222
Florent BlotinProAndroidDevKotlin Flow: The easy way to deal with local and remote data@Geev, we needed to redesign our current messaging feature. We thought to improve it as an instant messaging. We made a Proof of Concept…Jan 3, 2022Jan 3, 2022
Florent BlotUsing Bluetooth Low Energy between Raspberry Pi and FlutterMonths ago, I built a printed lighthouse weather station. It used Classical Bluetooth to communicate between a Raspberry Pi in Python and a…Jun 24, 20211Jun 24, 20211
Florent BlotHow I built a lighthouse weather station?My dad is a Brittany lover. If he could, he would live in a lighthouse. For his birthday, I thought to giving him a connected lighthouse…Dec 30, 2020Dec 30, 2020